Saturday 21 September 2013

Exercise: Angular perspective

I was still suffering from anxiety about drawing in public when I did this exercise. I had intended to find a building to draw when I took my son to his piano lesson rather than driving home and back again. Unfortunately there were lots of people about putting up lights and decorations for a Festa so I drove round in circles for 10 minutes looking for a quiet spot and then drove home again feeling defeated.

So I'm afraid for this exercise I skulked indoors and drew a pile of books. I didn't embellish the drawing just tried to draw the basic shapes.

I went through the same procedure for this exercise as I had for the parallel perspective exercise. I drew what I thought was an accurate drawing and  then drew my estimated eye level in green (after placing my A4 sheet on a long sheet of cheap newsprint-type paper. All the vanishing points and the eye level were well off the side of the A4 paper. The photo of my construction lines is seen above in red. the original sketch lines are in pencil. My drawing of the books was somewhat more accurate than my drawings of the interiors but I still didn't feel I'd really got to grips with perspective . 

I've  downloaded a copy of 'Perspective Without Pain' by Philip Metzger onto my iPad - this has numerous exercises to work through to help with learning how to handle perspective. 

However, of greater concern was my unwillingness to step out in public. This was something that I needed to tackle or risk being unable to complete the course. 

I copied a somplified version of Sir Muirhead Bone's drawing of Rome into my sketchbook (with the aid some tracing paper). As instructed I continued the perspective lines to the vanishing point as instructed. Actually there were numerous vanishing points so this drawing is not as accurate as it appears. (or my ruler is broken!). This was interesting as this drawing appeared to me to demonstrate great use of perspective before I started to really analyse it.

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