Sunday 3 November 2013

Weekly Report: Week Commencing 28th October

Back from Venice late on Monday evening. 

I have spent most of this week working on the project 'Drawing Trees'. I am making slow but steady progress.

This week I have also signed up for a Facebook group "Art Every Day of November" in order to challenge myself to establish the habit of drawing something every single day. To be in this group I have to draw something every day and post it on to Facebook. When I'm working on coursework I will post that but my plan with this is to establish the habit to keep drawing - even if it is just a small doodle even when I am very busy and tired after work. Good habits are hard to establish. Bad habits are hard to break. I'm hoping that by re-enforcing this good habit every day throughout November that it will become more ingrained and less likely to slip in the future.The other benefit to me will be that is I have committed myself to posting something every day which will mean that I will inevitably have to post work which I'm not happy with. This will be good for me. It's time I got over myself and became more honest, less precious and less selective. I'm trying to overcome the feeling that my art is private -a furtive activity I only do behind closed doors and which will only see the light of day when I feel it is ready (which might be never).

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