Friday, 7 February 2014

Project: Gesture. Exercise: Stance

These drawings can be found in sketchbook 5 on pages 26 to 36.
I thoroughly enjoyed this exercise. Having practised previously I realised that I would get better result if I drew for shorter times and used media that were less controllable than pencil or drawing pen. The first few drawings were made with a fine 'rigger' watercolour brush and black India ink. Because the brush had long and flexible bristles I could produce a good variety of marks from very fine lines with the tip to very broad black marks with the side of the brush. I really liked the quality of these first few drawings. The instructions in the course notes were to draw the line of the centre of balanced on to the figures. I didn't want to deface the drawings so I photocopied them and drew lines onto the copies which I have stuck into the sketchbook alongside the original drawings.

1 minute pose
Ink and Brush

30 second pose
Ink and Brush

1 minute pose
Ink and Brush
1 Minute
Ink and Brush

1 Minute
Ink and Brush

30 Seconds
Ink and Brush

1 Minute
Conte and Coloured Pencil

30 Seconds
Conte and Coloured

30 Seconds
Conte and Coloured

After the ink drawings I moved on to using conte' and coloured pencil. My idea was to draw a broad stroke of conte' to show the main gesture of the pose and then use the coloured pencil in continuous line to give more detail of the pose but without losing that fluidity of the drawing. These drawings overall I didn't feel were as successful as the ink drawings but the best of these was the female figure in sanguine conte' and dark blue coloured pencil which is on page 33 of sketchbook 5.

1 comment:

  1. You are a great artist. Thank you for sharing your work!
