Saturday, 11 January 2014

Weekly Report: Week Commencing 6th January

Tired, Tired, Tired! but I have finally finished updating my blog (my least favourite part of the course). I am also about half way through the book about Paul Klee. 

I can now move forwards with part 4 of the course. I'm really looking forward to this although a bit nervous because I stopped drawing over Christmas and New year. I also realise I'm going to have to adjust my working schedule. I usually do most of my art work in the mornings when my husband an son are not around - also I'm more of a 'morning person'. However - I will need them to model for me so will have to be more flexible. I can do the projects on anatomy or self portraiture in the mornings and also any research points but will have to do the main bulk of the work of drawing people in the evenings under artificial light.

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